data = require __DIR__ . '/'; $this->settings['remove_bslash'] = true; $this->settings['compress_colors'] = true; $this->settings['compress_font-weight'] = true; $this->settings['lowercase_s'] = false; /* * 1 common shorthands optimization * 2 + font property optimization * 3 + background property optimization */ $this->settings['optimise_shorthands'] = 1; $this->settings['remove_last_;'] = true; // Rewrite all properties with lower case, better for later gzipping. $this->settings['case_properties'] = 1; /* * Sort properties in alphabetic order, better for later gzipping, * but can cause trouble in case of overriding same properties or using hacks. */ $this->settings['sort_properties'] = false; /* * 1, 3, 5, etc -- Enable sorting selectors inside @media: a{}b{}c{}. * 2, 5, 8, etc -- Enable sorting selectors inside one CSS declaration: a,b,c{}. * Preserve order by default cause it can break functionality. */ $this->settings['sort_selectors'] = 0; // Is dangerous to be used: CSS is broken sometimes. $this->settings['merge_selectors'] = 0; // Whether to preserve browser hacks. $this->settings['discard_invalid_selectors'] = false; $this->settings['discard_invalid_properties'] = false; $this->settings['css_level'] = 'CSS3.0'; $this->settings['preserve_css'] = false; $this->settings['timestamp'] = false; $this->settings['template'] = ''; // say that property exists. $this->set_cfg( 'template', 'default' ); // Call load_template. $this->print = new TablePress_CSSTidy_Print( $this ); $this->optimise = new TablePress_CSSTidy_Optimise( $this ); $this->tokens_list = &$this->data['csstidy']['tokens']; } /** * Gets the value of a setting. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $setting Setting to get. * @return string|int|bool Value of the setting. */ public function get_cfg( string $setting ) /* : string|int|bool */ { if ( isset( $this->settings[ $setting ] ) ) { return $this->settings[ $setting ]; } return false; } /** * Sets the value of a setting. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $setting Setting. * @param string|int|bool|null $value Optional. Value of the setting. * @return bool Whether the setting was set. */ public function set_cfg( string $setting, $value = null ): bool { if ( isset( $this->settings[ $setting ] ) && '' !== $value ) { $this->settings[ $setting ] = $value; if ( 'template' === $setting ) { $this->load_template( $this->settings['template'] ); } return true; } return false; } /** * Adds a token to $this->tokens. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param mixed $type Type. * @param string $data Data. * @param bool $force Optional. Add a token even if preserve_css is off. */ public function _add_token( $type, string $data, bool $force = false ): void { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) || $force ) { // nested @...: if opening a new part we just closed, remove the previous closing instead of adding opening. if ( self::AT_START === $type && count( $this->tokens ) && ( $last = end( $this->tokens ) ) // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.Found,Squiz.PHP.DisallowMultipleAssignments.FoundInControlStructure && self::AT_END === $last[0] && trim( $data ) === $last[1] ) { array_pop( $this->tokens ); } else { $this->tokens[] = array( $type, ( self::COMMENT === $type || self::IMPORTANT_COMMENT === $type ) ? $data : trim( $data ) ); } } } /** * Adds a message to the message log. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $message Message. * @param string $type Type. * @param int $line Optional. Line number. -1 will use the current line. */ public function log( string $message, string $type, int $line = -1 ): void { if ( -1 === $line ) { $line = $this->line; } $line = (int) $line; $add = array( 'm' => $message, 't' => $type, ); if ( ! isset( $this->log[ $line ] ) || ! in_array( $add, $this->log[ $line ], true ) ) { $this->log[ $line ][] = $add; } } /** * Parses Unicode notations and find a replacement character. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $a_string String. * @param int $i i. * @return string [return value] */ public function _unicode( string &$a_string, int &$i ): string { ++$i; $add = ''; $replaced = false; while ( $i < strlen( $a_string ) && ( ctype_xdigit( $a_string[ $i ] ) || ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) && strlen( $add ) < 6 ) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found $add .= $a_string[ $i ]; if ( ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { break; } ++$i; } if ( hexdec( $add ) > 47 && hexdec( $add ) < 58 || hexdec( $add ) > 64 && hexdec( $add ) < 91 || hexdec( $add ) > 96 && hexdec( $add ) < 123 ) { $this->log( 'Replaced unicode notation: Changed \\' . $add . ' to ' . chr( hexdec( $add ) ), 'Information' ); $add = chr( hexdec( $add ) ); $replaced = true; } else { $add = trim( '\\' . $add ); } if ( @ctype_xdigit( $a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) && ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) && ! $replaced || ! ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged --$i; } if ( '\\' !== $add || ! $this->get_cfg( 'remove_bslash' ) || str_contains( $this->tokens_list, $a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) ) { return $add; } if ( '\\' === $add ) { $this->log( 'Removed unnecessary backslash', 'Information' ); } return ''; } /** * Writes formatted output to a file. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $filename File name. */ public function write_page( string $filename ): void { $this->write( $filename, true ); } /** * Writes plain output to a file. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $filename File name. * @param bool $formatted Optional. Whether to print formatted or not. * @param string $doctype Optional. When printing formatted, is a shorthand for the document type. * @param bool $externalcss Optional. When printing formatted, indicates whether styles to be attached internally or as an external stylesheet. * @param string $title Optional. When printing formatted, is the title to be added in the head of the document. * @param string $lang Optional. When printing formatted, gives a two-letter language code to be added to the output. */ public function write( string $filename, bool $formatted = false, string $doctype = 'xhtml1.1', bool $externalcss = true, string $title = '', string $lang = 'en' ): void { $filename .= ( $formatted ) ? '.xhtml' : '.css'; if ( ! is_dir( 'temp' ) ) { $madedir = mkdir( 'temp' ); if ( ! $madedir ) { print 'Could not make directory "temp" in ' . __DIR__; exit; } } $handle = fopen( 'temp/' . $filename, 'w' ); if ( $handle ) { if ( ! $formatted ) { fwrite( $handle, $this->print->plain() ); } else { fwrite( $handle, $this->print->formatted_page( $doctype, $externalcss, $title, $lang ) ); } } fclose( $handle ); } /** * Loads a new template. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @link * * @param string $content Either file name (if $from_file is true), content of a template file, "default", "low", high", or "highest". * @param bool $from_file Optional. Uses $content as filename if true. */ protected function load_template( string $content, bool $from_file = true ): void { if ( in_array( $content, array( 'default', 'low', 'high', 'highest' ), true ) ) { $this->template = $this->data['csstidy']['predefined_templates'][ $content ]; return; } if ( $from_file ) { $content = strip_tags( file_get_contents( $content ), '' ); } // Unify newlines (because the output also only uses \n). $content = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $content ); $this->template = explode( '|', $content ); } /** * Starts parsing from URL. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $url URL. * @return bool Whether the CSS code could be parsed successfully. */ protected function parse_from_url( string $url ): bool { $data = file_get_contents( $url ); if ( false === $data ) { return false; } return $this->parse( $data ); } /** * Checks if there is a token at the current position. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $a_string String. * @param int $i i. * @return bool [return value] */ protected function is_token( string &$a_string, int $i ): bool { return ( str_contains( $this->tokens_list, $a_string[ $i ] ) && ! $this->escaped( $a_string, $i ) ); } /** * Parses CSS in a string. The output is saved as an array in $this->css. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $a_string The CSS code. * @return bool Whether the CSS code could be parsed successfully. */ public function parse( string $a_string ): bool { // Temporarily set locale to en_US in order to handle floats properly. $old = @setlocale( LC_ALL, 0 ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged @setlocale( LC_ALL, 'C' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $at_rules = &$this->data['csstidy']['at_rules']; $quoted_string_properties = &$this->data['csstidy']['quoted_string_properties']; $this->css = array(); $this->print->input_css = $a_string; $a_string = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $a_string ) . ' '; $cur_comment = ''; $cur_at = ''; for ( $i = 0, $size = strlen( $a_string ); $i < $size; $i++ ) { if ( "\n" === $a_string[ $i ] || "\r" === $a_string[ $i ] ) { ++$this->line; } switch ( $this->status ) { /* Case in at-block */ case 'at': if ( $this->is_token( $a_string, $i ) ) { if ( '/' === $a_string[ $i ] && '*' === @$a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'at'; } elseif ( '{' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->status = 'is'; $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, $cur_at ); $this->_add_token( self::AT_START, $this->at ); } elseif ( ',' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $cur_at = trim( $cur_at ) . ','; } elseif ( '\\' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $cur_at .= $this->_unicode( $a_string, $i ); } elseif ( in_array( $a_string[ $i ], array( '(', ')', ':', '.', '/' ), true ) ) { // Fix for complicated media, i.e @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5). // '/' is included for ratios in Opera: (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2). $cur_at .= $a_string[ $i ]; } } else { $lastpos = strlen( $cur_at ) - 1; if ( ! ( ( ctype_space( $cur_at[ $lastpos ] ) || $this->is_token( $cur_at, $lastpos ) && ',' === $cur_at[ $lastpos ] ) && ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) ) { $cur_at .= $a_string[ $i ]; } } break; /* Case in-selector */ case 'is': if ( $this->is_token( $a_string, $i ) ) { if ( '/' === $a_string[ $i ] && '*' === @$a_string[ $i + 1 ] && '' === trim( $this->selector ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'is'; } elseif ( '@' === $a_string[ $i ] && '' === trim( $this->selector ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged // Check for at-rule. $this->invalid_at = true; foreach ( $at_rules as $name => $type ) { if ( ! strcasecmp( substr( $a_string, $i + 1, strlen( $name ) ), $name ) ) { if ( 'at' === $type ) { $cur_at = '@' . $name; } else { $this->selector = '@' . $name; } if ( 'atis' === $type ) { $this->next_selector_at = ( $this->next_selector_at ? $this->next_selector_at : ( $this->at ? $this->at : self::DEFAULT_AT ) ); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, ' ', true ); $type = 'is'; } $this->status = $type; $i += strlen( $name ); $this->invalid_at = false; break; } } if ( $this->invalid_at ) { $this->selector = '@'; $invalid_at_name = ''; for ( $j = $i + 1; $j < $size; ++$j ) { if ( ! ctype_alpha( $a_string[ $j ] ) ) { break; } $invalid_at_name .= $a_string[ $j ]; } $this->log( 'Invalid @-rule: ' . $invalid_at_name . ' (removed)', 'Warning' ); } } elseif ( ( '"' === $a_string[ $i ] || "'" === $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { $this->cur_string[] = $a_string[ $i ]; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->str_char[] = $a_string[ $i ]; $this->from[] = 'is'; /* Fixing CSS3 attribute selectors, i.e. a[href$=".mp3" */ $this->quoted_string[] = ( '=' === $a_string[ $i - 1 ] ); } elseif ( $this->invalid_at && ';' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->invalid_at = false; $this->status = 'is'; if ( $this->next_selector_at ) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section( $this->at ); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, $this->next_selector_at ); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } elseif ( '{' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->status = 'ip'; if ( '' === $this->at ) { $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, self::DEFAULT_AT ); } $this->selector = $this->css_new_selector( $this->at, $this->selector ); $this->_add_token( self::SEL_START, $this->selector ); $this->added = false; } elseif ( '}' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->_add_token( self::AT_END, $this->at ); $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section( $this->at ); $this->selector = ''; $this->sel_separate = array(); } elseif ( ',' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->selector = trim( $this->selector ) . ','; $this->sel_separate[] = strlen( $this->selector ); } elseif ( '\\' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->selector .= $this->_unicode( $a_string, $i ); } elseif ( '*' === $a_string[ $i ] && @in_array( $a_string[ $i + 1 ], array( '.', '#', '[', ':' ), true ) && ( 0 === $i || '/' !== $a_string[ $i - 1 ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged,Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedElseif // Remove unnecessary universal selector, FS#147, but not comment in selector. } else { $this->selector .= $a_string[ $i ]; } } else { $lastpos = strlen( $this->selector ) - 1; if ( -1 === $lastpos || ! ( ( ctype_space( $this->selector[ $lastpos ] ) || $this->is_token( $this->selector, $lastpos ) && ',' === $this->selector[ $lastpos ] ) && ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) ) { $this->selector .= $a_string[ $i ]; } } break; /* Case in-property */ case 'ip': if ( $this->is_token( $a_string, $i ) ) { if ( ( ':' === $a_string[ $i ] || '=' === $a_string[ $i ] ) && '' !== $this->property ) { $this->status = 'iv'; if ( ! $this->get_cfg( 'discard_invalid_properties' ) || $this->property_is_valid( $this->property ) ) { $this->property = $this->css_new_property( $this->at, $this->selector, $this->property ); $this->property = strtolower( $this->property ); $this->_add_token( self::PROPERTY, $this->property ); } } elseif ( '/' === $a_string[ $i ] && '*' === @$a_string[ $i + 1 ] && '' === $this->property ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'ip'; } elseif ( '}' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->explode_selectors(); $this->status = 'is'; $this->invalid_at = false; $this->_add_token( self::SEL_END, $this->selector ); $this->selector = ''; $this->property = ''; if ( $this->next_selector_at ) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section( $this->at ); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, $this->next_selector_at ); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } elseif ( ';' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->property = ''; } elseif ( '\\' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->property .= $this->_unicode( $a_string, $i ); } elseif ( ( '' === $this->property && ! ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) || ( '/' === $this->property || '/' === $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { // else this is dumb IE a hack, keep it. // including /. $this->property .= $a_string[ $i ]; } } elseif ( ! ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { $this->property .= $a_string[ $i ]; } break; /* Case in-value */ case 'iv': $pn = ( ( "\n" === $a_string[ $i ] || "\r" === $a_string[ $i ] ) && $this->property_is_next( $a_string, $i + 1 ) || ( strlen( $a_string ) - 1 ) === $i ); if ( ( $this->is_token( $a_string, $i ) || $pn ) && ( ! ( ',' === $a_string[ $i ] && ! ctype_space( $a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) ) ) ) { if ( '/' === $a_string[ $i ] && '*' === @$a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'iv'; } elseif ( ( '"' === $a_string[ $i ] || "'" === $a_string[ $i ] || '(' === $a_string[ $i ] ) ) { $this->cur_string[] = $a_string[ $i ]; $this->str_char[] = ( '(' === $a_string[ $i ] ) ? ')' : $a_string[ $i ]; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->from[] = 'iv'; $this->quoted_string[] = in_array( strtolower( $this->property ), $quoted_string_properties, true ); } elseif ( ',' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->sub_value = trim( $this->sub_value ) . ','; } elseif ( '\\' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->sub_value .= $this->_unicode( $a_string, $i ); } elseif ( ';' === $a_string[ $i ] || $pn ) { if ( '@' === $this->selector[0] && isset( $at_rules[ substr( $this->selector, 1 ) ] ) && 'iv' === $at_rules[ substr( $this->selector, 1 ) ] ) { $this->status = 'is'; switch ( $this->selector ) { case '@charset': // Add quotes to charset. $this->sub_value_arr[] = '"' . trim( $this->sub_value ) . '"'; $this->charset = $this->sub_value_arr[0]; break; case '@namespace': // Add quotes to namespace. $this->sub_value_arr[] = '"' . trim( $this->sub_value ) . '"'; $this->namespace = implode( ' ', $this->sub_value_arr ); break; case '@import': $this->sub_value = trim( $this->sub_value ); if ( empty( $this->sub_value_arr ) ) { // Quote URLs in imports only if they're not already inside url() and not already quoted. if ( ! str_starts_with( $this->sub_value, 'url(' ) ) { if ( ! str_ends_with( $this->sub_value, $this->sub_value[0] ) && in_array( $this->sub_value[0], array( "'", '"' ), true ) ) { $this->sub_value = '"' . $this->sub_value . '"'; } } } $this->sub_value_arr[] = $this->sub_value; $this->import[] = implode( ' ', $this->sub_value_arr ); break; } $this->sub_value_arr = array(); $this->sub_value = ''; $this->selector = ''; $this->sel_separate = array(); } else { $this->status = 'ip'; } } elseif ( '}' !== $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->sub_value .= $a_string[ $i ]; } if ( ( '}' === $a_string[ $i ] || ';' === $a_string[ $i ] || $pn ) && ! empty( $this->selector ) ) { if ( '' === $this->at ) { $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, self::DEFAULT_AT ); } // Case settings. if ( $this->get_cfg( 'lowercase_s' ) ) { $this->selector = strtolower( $this->selector ); } $this->property = strtolower( $this->property ); $this->optimise->subvalue(); if ( '' !== $this->sub_value ) { $this->sub_value_arr[] = $this->sub_value; $this->sub_value = ''; } $this->value = ''; while ( count( $this->sub_value_arr ) ) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found $sub = array_shift( $this->sub_value_arr ); if ( strstr( $this->selector, 'font-face' ) ) { $sub = $this->quote_font_format( $sub ); } if ( '' !== $sub ) { if ( strlen( $this->value ) && ( ! str_ends_with( $this->value, ',' ) || $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) ) { $this->value .= ' '; } $this->value .= $sub; } } $this->optimise->value(); $valid = $this->property_is_valid( $this->property ); if ( ( ! $this->invalid_at || $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) && ( ! $this->get_cfg( 'discard_invalid_properties' ) || $valid ) ) { $this->css_add_property( $this->at, $this->selector, $this->property, $this->value ); $this->_add_token( self::VALUE, $this->value ); $this->optimise->shorthands(); } if ( ! $valid ) { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'discard_invalid_properties' ) ) { $this->log( 'Removed invalid property: ' . $this->property, 'Warning' ); } else { $this->log( 'Invalid property in ' . strtoupper( $this->get_cfg( 'css_level' ) ) . ': ' . $this->property, 'Warning' ); } } $this->property = ''; $this->sub_value_arr = array(); $this->value = ''; } if ( '}' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->explode_selectors(); $this->_add_token( self::SEL_END, $this->selector ); $this->status = 'is'; $this->invalid_at = false; $this->selector = ''; if ( $this->next_selector_at ) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section( $this->at ); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section( $this->at, $this->next_selector_at ); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } } elseif ( ! $pn ) { $this->sub_value .= $a_string[ $i ]; if ( ctype_space( $a_string[ $i ] ) || ',' === $a_string[ $i ] ) { $this->optimise->subvalue(); if ( '' !== $this->sub_value ) { $this->sub_value_arr[] = $this->sub_value; $this->sub_value = ''; } } } break; /* Case in string */ case 'instr': $_str_char = $this->str_char[ count( $this->str_char ) - 1 ]; $_cur_string = $this->cur_string[ count( $this->cur_string ) - 1 ]; $_quoted_string = $this->quoted_string[ count( $this->quoted_string ) - 1 ]; $temp_add = $a_string[ $i ]; // Add another string to the stack. Strings can't be nested inside of quotes, only parentheses, // but parentheticals can be nested more than once. if ( ')' === $_str_char && ( '(' === $a_string[ $i ] || '"' === $a_string[ $i ] || '\\' === $a_string[ $i ] ) && ! $this->escaped( $a_string, $i ) ) { $this->cur_string[] = $a_string[ $i ]; $this->str_char[] = ( '(' === $a_string[ $i ] ) ? ')' : $a_string[ $i ]; $this->from[] = 'instr'; $this->quoted_string[] = ( ')' === $_str_char && '(' !== $a_string[ $i ] && '(' === trim( $_cur_string ) ) ? $_quoted_string : ( '(' !== $a_string[ $i ] ); continue 2; } if ( ')' !== $_str_char && ( "\n" === $a_string[ $i ] || "\r" === $a_string[ $i ] ) && ! ( '\\' === $a_string[ $i - 1 ] && ! $this->escaped( $a_string, $i - 1 ) ) ) { $temp_add = '\\A'; $this->log( 'Fixed incorrect newline in string', 'Warning' ); } $_cur_string .= $temp_add; if ( $a_string[ $i ] === $_str_char && ! $this->escaped( $a_string, $i ) ) { $this->status = array_pop( $this->from ); if ( ! preg_match( '|[' . implode( '', $this->data['csstidy']['whitespace'] ) . ']|uis', $_cur_string ) && 'content' !== $this->property ) { if ( ! $_quoted_string ) { if ( ')' !== $_str_char ) { /* * Convert properties like * font-family: 'Arial'; * to * font-family: Arial; * or * url("abc") * to * url(abc) */ $_cur_string = substr( $_cur_string, 1, -1 ); } } else { $_quoted_string = false; } } array_pop( $this->cur_string ); array_pop( $this->quoted_string ); array_pop( $this->str_char ); if ( ')' === $_str_char ) { $_cur_string = '(' . trim( substr( $_cur_string, 1, -1 ) ) . ')'; } if ( 'iv' === $this->status ) { if ( ! $_quoted_string ) { if ( str_contains( $_cur_string, ',' ) ) { // We can on only remove space next to ','. $_cur_string = implode( ',', array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $_cur_string ) ) ); } // and multiple spaces (too expensive). if ( str_contains( $_cur_string, ' ' ) ) { $_cur_string = preg_replace( ',\s+,', ' ', $_cur_string ); } } $this->sub_value .= $_cur_string; } elseif ( 'is' === $this->status ) { $this->selector .= $_cur_string; } elseif ( 'instr' === $this->status ) { $this->cur_string[ count( $this->cur_string ) - 1 ] .= $_cur_string; } } else { $this->cur_string[ count( $this->cur_string ) - 1 ] = $_cur_string; } break; /* Case in-comment */ case 'ic': if ( '*' === $a_string[ $i ] && '/' === $a_string[ $i + 1 ] ) { $this->status = array_pop( $this->from ); ++$i; if ( strlen( $cur_comment ) > 1 && str_starts_with( $cur_comment, '!' ) ) { $this->_add_token( self::IMPORTANT_COMMENT, $cur_comment ); $this->css_add_important_comment( $cur_comment ); } else { $this->_add_token( self::COMMENT, $cur_comment ); } $cur_comment = ''; } else { $cur_comment .= $a_string[ $i ]; } break; } } $this->optimise->postparse(); $this->print->_reset(); // Set locale back to original setting. @setlocale( LC_ALL, $old ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged return ! ( empty( $this->css ) && empty( $this->import ) && empty( $this->charset ) && empty( $this->tokens ) && empty( $this->namespace ) ); } /** * Quoting: format() in font-face needs quoted values for some browser (FF at least). * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $value Value. * @return string String. */ protected function quote_font_format( string $value ): string { if ( str_starts_with( $value, 'format' ) ) { $p = strpos( $value, ')', 7 ); $end = substr( $value, $p ); $format_strings = $this->parse_string_list( substr( $value, 7, $p - 7 ) ); if ( ! $format_strings ) { $value = ''; } else { $value = 'format('; foreach ( $format_strings as $format_string ) { $value .= '"' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $format_string ) . '",'; } $value = substr( $value, 0, -1 ) . $end; } } return $value; } /** * Explodes selectors. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function explode_selectors(): void { // Explode multiple selectors. if ( 1 === $this->get_cfg( 'merge_selectors' ) ) { $new_sels = array(); $lastpos = 0; $this->sel_separate[] = strlen( $this->selector ); foreach ( $this->sel_separate as $num => $pos ) { if ( ( count( $this->sel_separate ) - 1 ) === $num ) { ++$pos; } $new_sels[] = substr( $this->selector, $lastpos, $pos - $lastpos - 1 ); $lastpos = $pos; } if ( count( $new_sels ) > 1 ) { foreach ( $new_sels as $selector ) { if ( isset( $this->css[ $this->at ][ $this->selector ] ) ) { $this->merge_css_blocks( $this->at, $selector, $this->css[ $this->at ][ $this->selector ] ); } } unset( $this->css[ $this->at ][ $this->selector ] ); } } $this->sel_separate = array(); } /** * Checks if a character is escaped. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $a_string String. * @param int $pos Position. * @return bool Whether a character is escaped. */ public function escaped( string &$a_string, int $pos ): bool { return $pos ? ! ( @( '\\' !== $a_string[ $pos - 1 ] ) || $this->escaped( $a_string, $pos - 1 ) ) : false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged } /** * Adds an important comment to the CSS code (one we want to keep when minifying). * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param string $comment CSS Comment. */ protected function css_add_important_comment( string $comment ): void { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) || '' === trim( $comment ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $this->css['!'] ) ) { $this->css['!'] = ''; } else { $this->css['!'] .= "\n"; } $this->css['!'] .= $comment; } /** * Adds a property with value to the existing CSS code. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $media Media. * @param string $selector Selector. * @param string $property Property. * @param string $new_val New value. */ protected function css_add_property( string $media, string $selector, string $property, string $new_val ): void { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) || '' === trim( $new_val ) ) { return; } $this->added = true; if ( isset( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] ) ) { if ( ( $this->is_important( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] ) && $this->is_important( $new_val ) ) || ! $this->is_important( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] ) ) { $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] = trim( $new_val ); } } else { $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] = trim( $new_val ); } } /** * Checks if a current media section is the continuation of the last one. * If not increase the name of the media section to avoid a merging. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param int|string $media Media. * @return int|string [return value] */ protected function css_check_last_media_section_or_inc( $media ) /* : int|string */ { // Are we starting? if ( empty( $this->css ) || ! is_array( $this->css ) ) { return $media; } // If the last @media is the same as this, keep it. $at = array_key_last( $this->css ); if ( $at === $media ) { return $media; } // Otherwise increase the section in the array. while ( isset( $this->css[ $media ] ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $media ) ) { ++$media; } else { $media .= ' '; } } return $media; } /** * Starts a new media section. * * Check if the media is not already known, else rename it with extra spaces to avoid merging. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string|int $current_media Media. * @param string $new_media Media. * @param bool $at_root Optional. Default false. * @return int|string [return value] */ protected function css_new_media_section( $current_media, string $new_media, bool $at_root = false ) /* : int|string */ { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) { return $new_media; } // If we already are in a media and CSS level is 3, manage nested medias. if ( $current_media && ! $at_root // Numeric $current_media means self::DEFAULT_AT or inc. && ! is_numeric( $current_media ) && str_starts_with( $this->get_cfg( 'css_level' ), 'CSS3' ) ) { $new_media = rtrim( $current_media ) . '{' . rtrim( $new_media ); } return $this->css_check_last_media_section_or_inc( $new_media ); } /** * Closes a media section. * * Finds the parent media we were in before or the root. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param string $current_media Current Media. * @return string [return value] */ protected function css_close_media_section( string $current_media ): string { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) { return ''; } if ( str_contains( $current_media, '{' ) ) { $current_media = explode( '{', $current_media ); array_pop( $current_media ); $current_media = implode( '{', $current_media ); return $current_media; } return ''; } /** * Starts a new selector. * * If already referenced in this media section, rename it with extra space to avoid merging, * except if merging is required, or last selector is the same (merge siblings). * Never merge @font-face. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $media Media. * @param string $selector Selector. * @return string [return value] */ protected function css_new_selector( string $media, string $selector ): string { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) { return $selector; } $selector = trim( $selector ); if ( ! str_starts_with( $selector, '@font-face' ) ) { if ( false !== $this->settings['merge_selectors'] ) { return $selector; } if ( empty( $this->css ) || ! isset( $this->css[ $media ] ) || ! $this->css[ $media ] ) { return $selector; } // If last is the same, keep it. $sel = array_key_last( $this->css[ $media ] ); if ( $sel === $selector ) { return $selector; } } while ( isset( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ] ) ) { $selector .= ' '; } return $selector; } /** * Starts a new property. * * If already referenced in this selector, rename it with extra space to avoid override. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $media Media. * @param string $selector Selector. * @param string $property Property. * @return string [return value] */ protected function css_new_property( string $media, string $selector, string $property ): string { if ( $this->get_cfg( 'preserve_css' ) ) { return $property; } if ( empty( $this->css ) || ! isset( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ] ) || ! $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ] ) { return $property; } while ( isset( $this->css[ $media ][ $selector ][ $property ] ) ) { $property .= ' '; } return $property; } /** * Adds CSS to an existing media/selector. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $media Media. * @param string $selector Selector. * @param array $css_add Additional CSS. */ public function merge_css_blocks( string $media, string $selector, array $css_add ): void { foreach ( $css_add as $property => $value ) { $this->css_add_property( $media, $selector, $property, $value ); } } /** * Checks if $value is !important. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $value Value. * @return bool Whether the value has the !important keyword. */ public function is_important( string &$value ): bool { return ( str_contains( $value, '!' ) // Quick test. && ! strcasecmp( substr( str_replace( $this->data['csstidy']['whitespace'], '', $value ), -10, 10 ), '!important' ) ); } /** * Returns a value without !important. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $value Value. * @return string Value without the !important; */ public function gvw_important( string $value ): string { if ( $this->is_important( $value ) ) { $value = trim( $value ); $value = substr( $value, 0, -9 ); $value = trim( $value ); $value = substr( $value, 0, -1 ); $value = trim( $value ); return $value; } return $value; } /** * Checks if the next word in a string from pos is a CSS property. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $istring String. * @param int $pos Position. * @return bool [return value] */ protected function property_is_next( string $istring, int $pos ): bool { $all_properties = &$this->data['csstidy']['all_properties']; $istring = substr( $istring, $pos, strlen( $istring ) - $pos ); $pos = strpos( $istring, ':' ); if ( false === $pos ) { return false; } $istring = strtolower( trim( substr( $istring, 0, $pos ) ) ); if ( isset( $all_properties[ $istring ] ) ) { $this->log( 'Added semicolon to the end of declaration', 'Warning' ); return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if a property is valid. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $property Property. * @return bool Whether the property is valid. */ public function property_is_valid( string $property ): bool { $property = strtolower( $property ); if ( str_starts_with( $property, '--' ) ) { $property = '--custom'; // Replace custom properties with a temporary placeholder that is marked as valid in the list of properties. } elseif ( in_array( trim( $property ), $this->data['csstidy']['multiple_properties'], true ) ) { $property = trim( $property ); } $all_properties = &$this->data['csstidy']['all_properties']; return isset( $all_properties[ $property ] ) && str_contains( $all_properties[ $property ], strtoupper( $this->get_cfg( 'css_level' ) ) ); } /** * Accepts a list of strings (e.g. the argument to format() in a @font-face src property) * and returns a list of the strings. Converts things like: * format(abc) => format("abc") * format(abc def) => format("abc","def") * format(abc "def") => format("abc","def") * format(abc, def, ghi) => format("abc","def","ghi") * format("abc",'def') => format("abc","def") * format("abc, def, ghi") => format("abc, def, ghi") * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $value [description]. * @return string[] [description] */ public function parse_string_list( string $value ): array { $value = trim( $value ); // Case: empty. if ( ! $value ) { return array(); } $a_strings = array(); $in_str = false; $current_string = ''; for ( $i = 0, $_len = strlen( $value ); $i < $_len; $i++ ) { if ( ( ',' === $value[ $i ] || ' ' === $value[ $i ] ) && true === $in_str ) { $in_str = false; $a_strings[] = $current_string; $current_string = ''; } elseif ( '"' === $value[ $i ] || "'" === $value[ $i ] ) { if ( $in_str === $value[ $i ] ) { $a_strings[] = $current_string; $in_str = false; $current_string = ''; continue; } elseif ( ! $in_str ) { $in_str = $value[ $i ]; } } else { // phpcs:ignore Universal.ControlStructures.DisallowLonelyIf.Found if ( $in_str ) { $current_string .= $value[ $i ]; } else { // phpcs:ignore Universal.ControlStructures.DisallowLonelyIf.Found if ( ! preg_match( '/[\s,]/', $value[ $i ] ) ) { $in_str = true; $current_string = $value[ $i ]; } } } } if ( $current_string ) { $a_strings[] = $current_string; } return $a_strings; } } // class TablePress_CSSTidy