*/ public $variables = array(); /** * User-defined functions. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $functions = array(); /** * Constants. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $constants = array(); /** * Built-in functions. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var string[] */ protected $builtin_functions = array( 'sin', 'sinh', 'arcsin', 'asin', 'arcsinh', 'asinh', 'cos', 'cosh', 'arccos', 'acos', 'arccosh', 'acosh', 'tan', 'tanh', 'arctan', 'atan', 'arctanh', 'atanh', 'sqrt', 'abs', 'ln', 'log10', 'exp', 'floor', 'ceil', ); /** * Emulated functions. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $calc_functions = array( 'average' => array( -1 ), 'mean' => array( -1 ), 'median' => array( -1 ), 'mode' => array( -1 ), 'range' => array( -1 ), 'max' => array( -1 ), 'min' => array( -1 ), 'mod' => array( 2 ), 'pi' => array( 0 ), 'power' => array( 2 ), 'log' => array( 1, 2 ), 'round' => array( 1, 2 ), 'number_format' => array( 1, 2 ), 'number_format_eu' => array( 1, 2 ), 'sum' => array( -1 ), 'counta' => array( -1 ), 'product' => array( -1 ), 'rand_int' => array( 2 ), 'rand_float' => array( 0 ), 'arctan2' => array( 2 ), 'atan2' => array( 2 ), 'if' => array( 3 ), 'not' => array( 1 ), 'and' => array( -1 ), 'or' => array( -1 ), ); /** * Class constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { // Set default constants. $this->variables['pi'] = pi(); $this->variables['e'] = exp( 1 ); } /** * Evaluate a math expression without checking it for variable or function assignments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $expression The expression that shall be evaluated. * @return string|false Evaluated expression or false on error. */ public function evaluate( $expression ) /* : string|false */ { return $this->pfx( $this->nfx( $expression ) ); } /** * Evaluate a math expression or formula, and check it for variable and function assignments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $expression The expression that shall be evaluated. * @return string|bool Evaluated expression, true on successful function assignment, or false on error. */ public function assign_and_evaluate( $expression ) /* : string|bool */ { $this->last_error = ''; $expression = trim( $expression ); $expression = rtrim( $expression, ';' ); // Is the expression a variable assignment? if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\s*=\s*(.+)$/', $expression, $matches ) ) { // Make sure we're not assigning to a constant. if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->constants, true ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'cannot_assign_to_constant', $matches[1] ); } // Evaluate the assignment. $tmp = $this->pfx( $this->nfx( $matches[2] ) ); if ( false === $tmp ) { return false; } // If it could be evaluated, add it to the variable array, ... $this->variables[ $matches[1] ] = $tmp; // ... and return the resulting value. return $tmp; // Is the expression a function assignment? } elseif ( 1 === preg_match( '/^\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\s*\(\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . '(?:\s*,\s*' . self::$name_pattern . ')*)\s*\)\s*=\s*(.+)$/', $expression, $matches ) ) { // Get the function name. $function_name = $matches[1]; // Make sure it isn't a built-in function -- we can't redefine those. if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'cannot_redefine_builtin_function', $matches[1] ); } // Get the function arguments after removing all whitespace. $matches[2] = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r", "\t", ' ' ), '', $matches[2] ); $args = explode( ',', $matches[2] ); // Convert the function definition to postfix notation. $stack = $this->nfx( $matches[3] ); if ( false === $stack ) { return false; } // Freeze the state of the non-argument variables. $stack_count = count( $stack ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $stack_count; $i++ ) { $token = $stack[ $i ]; if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^' . self::$name_pattern . '$/', $token ) && ! in_array( $token, $args, true ) ) { if ( array_key_exists( $token, $this->variables ) ) { $stack[ $i ] = $this->variables[ $token ]; } else { return $this->raise_error( 'undefined_variable_in_function_definition', $token ); } } } $this->functions[ $function_name ] = array( 'args' => $args, 'func' => $stack ); return true; // No variable or function assignment, so straight-up evaluation. } else { return $this->evaluate( $expression ); } } /** * Return all user-defined variables and values. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array User-defined variables and values. */ public function variables(): array { return $this->variables; } /** * Return all user-defined functions with their arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array User-defined functions. */ public function functions(): array { $output = array(); foreach ( $this->functions as $name => $data ) { $output[] = $name . '( ' . implode( ', ', $data['args'] ) . ' )'; } return $output; } /* * Internal methods. */ /** * Convert infix to postfix notation. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $expression Math expression that shall be converted. * @return mixed[]|false Converted expression or false on error. */ protected function nfx( $expression ) /* : mixed[]|false */ { $index = 0; $stack = new EvalMath_Stack(); $output = array(); // postfix form of expression, to be passed to pfx(). $expression = trim( strtolower( $expression ) ); $ops = array( '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '_', '>', '<', '=', '%' ); $ops_r = array( '+' => 0, '-' => 0, '*' => 0, '/' => 0, '^' => 1, '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0, '%' => 0 ); // Right-associative operator? $ops_p = array( '+' => 0, '-' => 0, '*' => 1, '/' => 1, '_' => 1, '^' => 2, '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0, '%' => 1 ); // Operator precedence. // We use this in syntax-checking the expression and determining when a - (minus) is a negation. $expecting_operator = false; // Make sure the characters are all good. if ( 1 === preg_match( '/[^\%\w\s+*^\/()\.,-<>=]/', $expression, $matches ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'illegal_character_general', $matches[0] ); } // Infinite Loop for the conversion. while ( true ) { // Get the first character at the current index. $op = substr( $expression, $index, 1 ); // Find out if we're currently at the beginning of a number/variable/function/parenthesis/operand. $ex = preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . '\(?|\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:(e[+-]?)\d*)?|\.\d+|\()/', substr( $expression, $index ), $match ); // Is it a negation instead of a minus (in a subtraction)? if ( '-' === $op && ! $expecting_operator ) { // Put a negation on the stack. $stack->push( '_' ); ++$index; } elseif ( '_' === $op ) { // We have to explicitly deny underscores (as they mean negation), because they are legal on the stack. return $this->raise_error( 'illegal_character_underscore' ); // Are we putting an operator on the stack? } elseif ( ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) || $ex ) && $expecting_operator ) { // Are we expecting an operator but have a number/variable/function/opening parethesis? if ( $ex ) { // It's an implicit multiplication. $op = '*'; --$index; } // Heart of the algorithm: . // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition while ( $stack->count > 0 && ( $o2 = $stack->last() ) && in_array( $o2, $ops, true ) && ( $ops_r[ $op ] ? $ops_p[ $op ] < $ops_p[ $o2 ] : $ops_p[ $op ] <= $ops_p[ $o2 ] ) ) { // Pop stuff off the stack into the output. $output[] = $stack->pop(); } // Many thanks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation . $stack->push( $op ); // Finally put OUR operator onto the stack. ++$index; $expecting_operator = false; // Ready to close a parenthesis? } elseif ( ')' === $op && $expecting_operator ) { // Pop off the stack back to the last (. // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition while ( '(' !== ( $o2 = $stack->pop() ) ) { if ( is_null( $o2 ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' ); } else { $output[] = $o2; } } // Did we just close a function? if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 2 ), $matches ) ) { // Get the function name. $function_name = $matches[1]; // See how many arguments there were (cleverly stored on the stack, thank you). $arg_count = $stack->pop(); $stack->pop(); // $fn // Send function to output. $output[] = array( 'function_name' => $function_name, 'arg_count' => $arg_count ); // Check the argument count, depending on what type of function we have. if ( in_array( $function_name, $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) { // Built-in functions. if ( $arg_count > 1 ) { // @phpstan-ignore-line $error_data = array( 'expected' => 1, 'given' => $arg_count ); return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data ); } } elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->calc_functions ) ) { // Calc-emulation functions. $counts = $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ]; // @phpstan-ignore-next-line if ( in_array( -1, $counts, true ) && $arg_count > 0 ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedIf // Everything is fine, we expected an indefinite number arguments and got some. } elseif ( ! in_array( $arg_count, $counts, true ) ) { // @phpstan-ignore-line $error_data = array( 'expected' => implode( '/', $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ] ), 'given' => $arg_count ); return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data ); } } elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->functions ) ) { // User-defined functions. if ( count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ) !== $arg_count ) { $error_data = array( 'expected' => count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ), 'given' => $arg_count ); return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data ); } } else { // Did we somehow push a non-function on the stack? This should never happen. return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } } ++$index; // Did we just finish a function argument? } elseif ( ',' === $op && $expecting_operator ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition while ( '(' !== ( $o2 = $stack->pop() ) ) { if ( is_null( $o2 ) ) { // Oops, never had a (. return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_comma' ); } else { // Pop the argument expression stuff and push onto the output. $output[] = $o2; } } // Make sure there was a function. if ( 0 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 2 ), $matches ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_comma' ); } // Increment the argument count. $stack->push( $stack->pop() + 1 ); // @phpstan-ignore-line // Put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again. $stack->push( '(' ); ++$index; $expecting_operator = false; } elseif ( '(' === $op && ! $expecting_operator ) { $stack->push( '(' ); // That was easy. ++$index; // Do we now have a function/variable/number? } elseif ( $ex && ! $expecting_operator ) { $expecting_operator = true; $value = $match[1]; // May be a function, or variable with implicit multiplication against parentheses... if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', $value, $matches ) ) { // Is it a function? if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->builtin_functions, true ) || array_key_exists( $matches[1], $this->functions ) || array_key_exists( $matches[1], $this->calc_functions ) ) { $stack->push( $value ); $stack->push( 1 ); $stack->push( '(' ); $expecting_operator = false; // It's a variable with implicit multiplication. } else { $value = $matches[1]; $output[] = $value; } } else { // It's a plain old variable or number. $output[] = $value; } $index += strlen( $value ); } elseif ( ')' === $op ) { // It could be only custom function with no arguments or a general error. if ( '(' !== $stack->last() || 1 !== $stack->last( 2 ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' ); } // Did we just close a function? if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 3 ), $matches ) ) { $stack->pop(); // ( $stack->pop(); // 1 $stack->pop(); // $fn // Get the function name. $function_name = $matches[1]; if ( isset( $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ] ) ) { // Custom calc-emulation function. $counts = $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ]; } else { // Default count for built-in functions. $counts = array( 1 ); } if ( ! in_array( 0, $counts, true ) ) { $error_data = array( 'expected' => $counts, 'given' => 0 ); return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data ); } // Send function to output. $output[] = array( 'function_name' => $function_name, 'arg_count' => 0 ); ++$index; $expecting_operator = true; } else { return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' ); } // Miscellaneous error checking. } elseif ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) && ! $expecting_operator ) { return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_operator', $op ); // I don't even want to know what you did to get here. } else { return $this->raise_error( 'an_unexpected_error_occurred' ); } if ( strlen( $expression ) === $index ) { // Did we end with an operator? Bad. if ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'operator_lacks_operand', $op ); } else { break; } } // Step the index past whitespace (pretty much turns whitespace into implicit multiplication if no operator is there). while ( ' ' === substr( $expression, $index, 1 ) ) { ++$index; } } // while ( true ) // Pop everything off the stack and push onto output. // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition while ( ! is_null( $op = $stack->pop() ) ) { // @phpstan-ignore-line if ( '(' === $op ) { // If there are (s on the stack, ()s were unbalanced. return $this->raise_error( 'expecting_a_closing_bracket' ); } $output[] = $op; } return $output; } /** * Evaluate postfix notation. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array|false $tokens [description]. * @param array $variables Optional. [description]. * @return mixed [description]. */ protected function pfx( $tokens, array $variables = array() ) /* : mixed */ { if ( false === $tokens ) { return false; } $stack = new EvalMath_Stack(); foreach ( $tokens as $token ) { // If the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on. if ( is_array( $token ) ) { // it's a function! $function_name = $token['function_name']; $count = $token['arg_count']; if ( in_array( $function_name, $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) { // Built-in function. $op1 = $stack->pop(); if ( is_null( $op1 ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } // For the "arc" trigonometric synonyms. $function_name = preg_replace( '/^arc/', 'a', $function_name ); // Rewrite "ln" (only allows one argument) to "log" (natural logarithm). if ( 'ln' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'log'; } // Perfectly safe eval(). // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged eval( '$stack->push( ' . $function_name . '( $op1 ) );' ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->calc_functions ) ) { // Calc-emulation function. // Get function arguments. $args = array(); for ( $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { $arg = $stack->pop(); if ( is_null( $arg ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } else { $args[] = $arg; } } // Rewrite some functions to their synonyms. if ( 'if' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'func_if'; } elseif ( 'not' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'func_not'; } elseif ( 'and' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'func_and'; } elseif ( 'or' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'func_or'; } elseif ( 'mean' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'average'; } elseif ( 'arctan2' === $function_name ) { $function_name = 'atan2'; } $result = EvalMath_Functions::$function_name( ...array_reverse( $args ) ); if ( false === $result ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } $stack->push( $result ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->functions ) ) { // User-defined function. // Get function arguments. $args = array(); for ( $i = count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { $arg = $stack->pop(); if ( is_null( $arg ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } else { $args[ $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'][ $i ] ] = $arg; } } // yay... recursion! $stack->push( $this->pfx( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['func'], $args ) ); // @phpstan-ignore-line } } elseif ( in_array( $token, array( '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '>', '<', '=', '%' ), true ) ) { // If the token is a binary operator, pop two values off the stack, do the operation, and push the result back on. $op2 = $stack->pop(); if ( is_null( $op2 ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } $op1 = $stack->pop(); if ( is_null( $op1 ) ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } switch ( $token ) { case '+': $stack->push( $op1 + $op2 ); break; case '-': $stack->push( $op1 - $op2 ); break; case '*': $stack->push( $op1 * $op2 ); break; case '/': if ( 0 === $op2 || '0' === $op2 ) { return $this->raise_error( 'division_by_zero' ); } $stack->push( $op1 / $op2 ); break; case '^': $stack->push( pow( $op1, $op2 ) ); break; case '>': $stack->push( (int) ( $op1 > $op2 ) ); break; case '<': $stack->push( (int) ( $op1 < $op2 ) ); break; case '=': // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison,Universal.Operators.StrictComparisons.LooseEqual $stack->push( (int) ( $op1 == $op2 ) ); // Don't use === as the variable type can differ (int/double/bool). break; case '%': $stack->push( $op1 % $op2 ); break; } } elseif ( '_' === $token ) { // If the token is a unary operator, pop one value off the stack, do the operation, and push it back on. $stack->push( -1 * $stack->pop() ); } elseif ( is_numeric( $token ) ) { // If the token is a number, push it on the stack. $stack->push( $token ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( $token, $this->variables ) ) { // If the token is a variable, push it on the stack. $stack->push( $this->variables[ $token ] ); } elseif ( array_key_exists( $token, $variables ) ) { // If the token is a variable, push it on the stack. $stack->push( $variables[ $token ] ); } else { return $this->raise_error( 'undefined_variable', $token ); } } // When we're out of tokens, the stack should have a single element, the final result. if ( 1 !== $stack->count ) { return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' ); } return $stack->pop(); } /** * Raise an error. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $message Error message. * @param mixed[]|string $error_data Optional. Additional error data. * @return false False, to stop evaluation. */ protected function raise_error( $message, $error_data = null ): bool { $this->last_error = $this->get_error_string( $message, $error_data ); return false; } /** * Get a translated string for an error message. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @link https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/13264f35057d2f37374ec3e0e8ad4070f4676bd7/lang/en/mathslib.php * @link https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/8e54ce9717c19f768b95f4332f70e3180ffafc46/lib/moodlelib.php#L6323 * * @param string $identifier Identifier of the string. * @param mixed[]|string $error_data Optional. Additional error data. * @return string Translated string. */ protected function get_error_string( $identifier, $error_data = null ): string { $strings = array(); $strings['an_unexpected_error_occurred'] = 'an unexpected error occurred'; $strings['cannot_assign_to_constant'] = 'cannot assign to constant \'{$error_data}\''; $strings['cannot_redefine_builtin_function'] = 'cannot redefine built-in function \'{$error_data}()\''; $strings['division_by_zero'] = 'division by zero'; $strings['expecting_a_closing_bracket'] = 'expecting a closing bracket'; $strings['illegal_character_general'] = 'illegal character \'{$error_data}\''; $strings['illegal_character_underscore'] = 'illegal character \'_\''; $strings['internal_error'] = 'internal error'; $strings['operator_lacks_operand'] = 'operator \'{$error_data}\' lacks operand'; $strings['undefined_variable'] = 'undefined variable \'{$error_data}\''; $strings['undefined_variable_in_function_definition'] = 'undefined variable \'{$error_data}\' in function definition'; $strings['unexpected_closing_bracket'] = 'unexpected closing bracket'; $strings['unexpected_comma'] = 'unexpected comma'; $strings['unexpected_operator'] = 'unexpected operator \'{$error_data}\''; $strings['wrong_number_of_arguments'] = 'wrong number of arguments ({$error_data->given} given, {$error_data->expected} expected)'; $a_string = $strings[ $identifier ]; if ( null !== $error_data ) { if ( is_array( $error_data ) ) { $search = array(); $replace = array(); foreach ( $error_data as $key => $value ) { if ( is_int( $key ) ) { // We do not support numeric keys! continue; } if ( is_object( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) { $value = (array) $value; if ( count( $value ) > 1 ) { $value = implode( ' or ', $value ); } else { $value = (string) $value[0]; if ( '-1' === $value ) { $value = 'at least 1'; } } } $search[] = '{$error_data->' . $key . '}'; $replace[] = (string) $value; } if ( $search ) { $a_string = str_replace( $search, $replace, $a_string ); } } else { $a_string = str_replace( '{$error_data}', (string) $error_data, $a_string ); } } return $a_string; } } // class EvalMath /** * Stack for the postfix/infix conversion of math expressions. * * @package TablePress * @subpackage Formulas * @since 1.0.0 */ class EvalMath_Stack { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.OneObjectStructurePerFile.MultipleFound,Generic.Classes.OpeningBraceSameLine.ContentAfterBrace /** * The stack. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var mixed[] */ protected $stack = array(); /** * Number of items on the stack. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var int */ public $count = 0; /** * Push an item onto the stack. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param mixed $value The item that is pushed onto the stack. */ public function push( $value ): void { $this->stack[ $this->count ] = $value; ++$this->count; } /** * Pop an item from the top of the stack. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return mixed|null The item that is popped from the stack. */ public function pop() /* : mixed|null */ { if ( $this->count > 0 ) { --$this->count; return $this->stack[ $this->count ]; } return null; } /** * Pop an item from the end of the stack. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $n Count from the end of the stack. * @return mixed|null The item that is popped from the stack. */ public function last( $n = 1 ) /* : mixed|null */ { if ( ( $this->count - $n ) >= 0 ) { return $this->stack[ $this->count - $n ]; } return null; } } // class EvalMath_Stack /** * Common math functions, prepared for usage in EvalMath. * * @package TablePress * @subpackage EvalMath * @since 1.0.0 */ class EvalMath_Functions { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.OneObjectStructurePerFile.MultipleFound,Generic.Classes.OpeningBraceSameLine.ContentAfterBrace /** * Seed for the generation of random numbers. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var string|null */ protected static $random_seed = null; /** * Choose from two values based on an if-condition. * * "if" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_". * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $condition Condition. * @param double|int $statement Return value if the condition is true. * @param double|int $alternative Return value if the condition is false. * @return double|int Result of the if check. */ public static function func_if( $condition, $statement, $alternative ) /* : float|int */ { return ( (bool) $condition ? $statement : $alternative ); } /** * Return the negation (boolean "not") of a value. * * Similar to "func_if", the function name is prefixed with "func_", although it wouldn't be necessary. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $value Value to be negated. * @return int Negated value (0 for false, 1 for true). */ public static function func_not( $value ): int { return (int) ! (bool) $value; } /** * Calculate the conjunction (boolean "and") of some values. * * "and" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_". * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the conjunction shall be calculated. * @return int Conjunction of the passed arguments. */ public static function func_and( ...$args ): int { foreach ( $args as $value ) { if ( ! $value ) { return 0; } } return 1; } /** * Calculate the disjunction (boolean "or") of some values. * * "or" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_". * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the disjunction shall be calculated. * @return int Disjunction of the passed arguments. */ public static function func_or( ...$args ): int { foreach ( $args as $value ) { if ( $value ) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Return the (rounded) value of Pi. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return double Rounded value of Pi. */ public static function pi(): float { return pi(); } /** * Calculate the sum of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the sum shall be calculated. * @return double|int Sum of the passed arguments. */ public static function sum( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { return array_sum( $args ); } /** * Count the number of non-empty arguments. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the number of non-empty elements shall be counted. * @return int Counted number of non-empty elements in the passed values. */ public static function counta( ...$args ): int { return count( array_filter( $args ) ); } /** * Calculate the product of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the product shall be calculated. * @return double|int Product of the passed arguments. */ public static function product( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { return array_product( $args ); } /** * Calculate the average/mean value of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the average shall be calculated. * @return double|int Average value of the passed arguments. */ public static function average( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { // Catch division by zero. if ( 0 === count( $args ) ) { return 0; } return array_sum( $args ) / count( $args ); } /** * Calculate the median of the arguments. * * For even counts of arguments, the upper median is returned. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array ...$args Values for which the median shall be calculated. * @return double|int Median of the passed arguments. */ public static function median( array ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { sort( $args ); $middle = intdiv( count( $args ), 2 ); // Upper median for even counts. return $args[ $middle ]; // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * Calculate the mode of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array ...$args Values for which the mode shall be calculated. * @return double|int Mode of the passed arguments. */ public static function mode( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { $values = array_count_values( $args ); asort( $values ); return array_key_last( $values ); // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * Calculate the range of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the range shall be calculated. * @return double|int Range of the passed arguments. */ public static function range( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { sort( $args ); return end( $args ) - reset( $args ); } /** * Find the maximum value of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the maximum value shall be found. * @return double|int Maximum value of the passed arguments. */ public static function max( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { return max( $args ); } /** * Find the minimum value of the arguments. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the minimum value shall be found. * @return double|int Minimum value of the passed arguments. */ public static function min( ...$args ) /* : float|int */ { return min( $args ); } /** * Calculate the remainder of a division of two numbers. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $op1 First number (dividend). * @param double|int $op2 Second number (divisor). * @return int Remainder of the division (dividend / divisor). */ public static function mod( $op1, $op2 ): int { return $op1 % $op2; } /** * Calculate the power of a base and an exponent. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $base Base. * @param double|int $exponent Exponent. * @return double|int Power base^exponent. */ public static function power( $base, $exponent ) /* : float|int */ { return pow( $base, $exponent ); } /** * Calculate the logarithm of a number to a base. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $number Number. * @param double|int $base Optional. Base for the logarithm. Default e (for the natural logarithm). * @return double Logarithm of the number to the base. */ public static function log( $number, $base = M_E ): float { return log( $number, $base ); } /** * Calculate the arc tangent of two variables. * * The signs of the numbers determine the quadrant of the result. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $op1 First number. * @param double|int $op2 Second number. * @return double Arc tangent of two numbers, similar to arc tangent of $op1/op$ except for the sign. */ public static function atan2( $op1, $op2 ): float { return atan2( $op1, $op2 ); } /** * Round a number to a given precision. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $value Number to be rounded. * @param int $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the comma after the rounding. * @return double Rounded number. */ public static function round( $value, $decimals = 0 ): float { return round( $value, $decimals ); } /** * Format a number with the . as the decimal separator and the , as the thousand separator, rounded to a precision. * * The is the common number format in English-language regions. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $value Number to be rounded and formatted. * @param int $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the decimal separator after the rounding. * @return string Formatted number. */ public static function number_format( $value, $decimals = 0 ): string { return number_format( $value, $decimals, '.', ',' ); } /** * Format a number with the , as the decimal separator and the space as the thousand separator, rounded to a precision. * * The is the common number format in non-English-language regions, mainly in Europe. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param double|int $value Number to be rounded and formatted. * @param int $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the decimal separator after the rounding. * @return string Formatted number. */ public static function number_format_eu( $value, $decimals = 0 ): string { return number_format( $value, $decimals, ',', ' ' ); } /** * Set the seed for the generation of random numbers. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $random_seed The seed. */ protected static function _set_random_seed( $random_seed ): void { self::$random_seed = $random_seed; } /** * Get the seed for the generation of random numbers. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string The seed. */ protected static function _get_random_seed(): string { if ( is_null( self::$random_seed ) ) { return microtime(); } return self::$random_seed; } /** * Get a random integer from a range. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $min Minimum value for the range. * @param int $max Maximum value for the range. * @return int Random integer from the range [$min, $max]. */ public static function rand_int( $min, $max ): int { // Swap min and max value if min is bigger than max. if ( $min > $max ) { $tmp = $max; $max = $min; $min = $tmp; unset( $tmp ); } $number_characters = (int) ceil( log( $max + 1 - $min, 16 ) ); $md5string = md5( self::_get_random_seed() ); $offset = 0; do { while ( ( $offset + $number_characters ) > strlen( $md5string ) ) { // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DisallowSizeFunctionsInLoops.Found $md5string .= md5( $md5string ); } $random_number = (int) hexdec( substr( $md5string, $offset, $number_characters ) ); $offset += $number_characters; } while ( ( $min + $random_number ) > $max ); return $min + $random_number; } /** * Get a random double value from a range [0, 1]. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return double Random number from the range [0, 1]. */ public static function rand_float(): float { $random_values = unpack( 'v', md5( self::_get_random_seed(), true ) ); return array_shift( $random_values ) / 65536; // @phpstan-ignore-line } } // class EvalMath_Functions