$data Data for this view. */ #[\Override] public function setup( /* string */ $action, array $data ) /* : void */ { // Don't use type hints in the method declaration to prevent PHP errors, as the method is inherited. parent::setup( $action, $data ); $this->process_action_messages( array( 'error_add' => __( 'Error: The table could not be added.', 'tablepress' ), ) ); $this->add_text_box( 'head', array( $this, 'textbox_head' ), 'normal' ); $this->add_meta_box( 'add-table', __( 'Add New Table', 'tablepress' ), array( $this, 'postbox_add_table' ), 'normal' ); $this->data['submit_button_caption'] = __( 'Add Table', 'tablepress' ); $this->add_text_box( 'submit', array( $this, 'textbox_submit_button' ), 'submit' ); } /** * Print the screen head text. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $data Data for this screen. * @param array $box Information about the text box. */ public function textbox_head( array $data, array $box ): void { ?>

$data Data for this screen. * @param array $box Information about the meta box. */ public function postbox_add_table( array $data, array $box ): void { ?>