$data Data for this view. */ #[\Override] public function setup( /* string */ $action, array $data ) /* : void */ { // Don't use type hints in the method declaration to prevent PHP errors, as the method is inherited. $this->action = $action; $this->data = $data; } /** * Render the current view. * * @since 1.0.0 */ #[\Override] public function render(): void { _wp_admin_html_begin(); ?> <?php printf( __( '%1$s ‹ %2$s', 'tablepress' ), __( 'Preview', 'tablepress' ), 'TablePress' ); ?> data['head_html']; ?>

data['site_uses_block_editor'] ) { printf( __( 'To insert a table into a post or page, add a “%1$s” block in the block editor and select the desired table.', 'tablepress' ), __( 'TablePress table', 'tablepress' ) ); } else { _e( 'To insert a table into a post or page, paste its Shortcode at the desired place in the editor.', 'tablepress' ); echo ' '; _e( 'Each table has a unique ID that needs to be adjusted in that Shortcode.', 'tablepress' ); } ?>

data['body_html']; ?>