*/ protected $table = array(); /** * Table options that influence the output result. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $render_options = array(); /** * Rendered HTML code of the table or PHP array. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var string|array> */ protected $output; /** * Trigger words for colspan, rowspan, or the combination of both. * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ protected $span_trigger = array( 'colspan' => '#colspan#', 'rowspan' => '#rowspan#', 'span' => '#span#', ); /** * Buffer to store the counts of rowspan per column, initialized in _render_table(). * * @since 1.0.0 * @var int[] */ protected $rowspan = array(); /** * Buffer to store the counts of colspan per row, initialized in _render_table(). * * @since 1.0.0 * @var int[] */ protected $colspan = array(); /** * Index of the last row of the visible data in the table, set in _render_table(). * * @since 1.0.0 * @var int */ protected $last_row_idx; /** * Index of the last column of the visible data in the table, set in _render_table(). * * @since 1.0.0 * @var int */ protected $last_column_idx; /** * Class constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function __construct() { // Unused. } /** * Set the table (data, options, visibility, ...) that is to be rendered. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $table Table to be rendered. * @param array $render_options Options for rendering, from both "Edit" screen and Shortcode. */ public function set_input( array $table, array $render_options ): void { $this->table = $table; $this->render_options = $render_options; /** * Filters the table before the render process. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $table The table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $this->table = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_raw_render_data', $this->table, $this->render_options ); } /** * Process the table rendering and return the HTML output. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 2.0.0 Add the $format parameter. * * @param string $format Optional. Output format, 'html' (default) or 'array'. * @return string|array> HTML code of the rendered table, or a PHP array, or an error message. */ public function get_output( string $format = 'html' ) /* : string|array */ { // Evaluate math expressions/formulas. $this->_evaluate_table_data(); // Remove hidden rows and columns. $this->_prepare_render_data(); if ( 'html' !== $format ) { add_filter( 'tablepress_cell_content', 'wptexturize' ); } // Evaluate Shortcodes and escape cell content. $this->_process_render_data(); if ( 'html' !== $format ) { remove_filter( 'tablepress_cell_content', 'wptexturize' ); } switch ( $format ) { case 'html': $this->_render_table(); break; case 'array': $this->output = $this->table['data']; break; } return $this->output; } /** * Loop through the table to evaluate math expressions/formulas. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function _evaluate_table_data(): void { $orig_table = $this->table; if ( $this->render_options['evaluate_formulas'] ) { $formula_evaluator = TablePress::load_class( 'TablePress_Evaluate', 'class-evaluate.php', 'classes' ); $this->table['data'] = $formula_evaluator->evaluate_table_data( $this->table['data'], $this->table['id'] ); } /** * Filters the table after evaluating formulas in the table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $table The table with evaluated formulas. * @param array $orig_table The table with unevaluated formulas. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $this->table = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_evaluate_data', $this->table, $orig_table, $this->render_options ); } /** * Remove all cells from the data set that shall not be rendered, because they are hidden. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function _prepare_render_data(): void { $orig_table = $this->table; $num_rows = count( $this->table['data'] ); $num_columns = ( $num_rows > 0 ) ? count( $this->table['data'][0] ) : 0; // Evaluate show/hide_rows/columns parameters. $actions = array( 'show', 'hide' ); $elements = array( 'rows', 'columns' ); foreach ( $actions as $action ) { foreach ( $elements as $element ) { if ( empty( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] ) ) { $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] = array(); continue; } // Add all rows/columns to array if "all" value set for one of the four parameters. if ( 'all' === $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] ) { $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] = range( 0, ${'num_' . $element} - 1 ); continue; } // We have a list of rows/columns (possibly with ranges in it). $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] = explode( ',', $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] ); // Support for ranges like 3-6 or A-BA. $range_cells = array(); foreach ( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] as $key => $value ) { $range_dash = strpos( $value, '-' ); if ( false !== $range_dash ) { unset( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ][ $key ] ); $start = trim( substr( $value, 0, $range_dash ) ); if ( ! is_numeric( $start ) ) { $start = TablePress::letter_to_number( $start ); } $end = trim( substr( $value, $range_dash + 1 ) ); if ( ! is_numeric( $end ) ) { $end = TablePress::letter_to_number( $end ); } $current_range = range( $start, $end ); $range_cells = array_merge( $range_cells, $current_range ); } } $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] = array_merge( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ], $range_cells ); /* * Parse single letters and change from regular numbering to zero-based numbering, * as rows/columns are indexed from 0 internally, but from 1 externally. */ foreach ( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] as $key => $value ) { $value = trim( $value ); if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = TablePress::letter_to_number( $value ); } $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ][ $key ] = (int) $value - 1; } // Remove duplicate entries and sort the array. $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] = array_unique( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ] ); sort( $this->render_options[ "{$action}_{$element}" ], SORT_NUMERIC ); } } // Load information about hidden rows and columns. // Get indexes of hidden rows (array value of 0). $hidden_rows = array_keys( $this->table['visibility']['rows'], 0, true ); $hidden_rows = array_merge( $hidden_rows, $this->render_options['hide_rows'] ); $hidden_rows = array_diff( $hidden_rows, $this->render_options['show_rows'] ); // Get indexes of hidden columns (array value of 0). $hidden_columns = array_keys( $this->table['visibility']['columns'], 0, true ); $hidden_columns = array_merge( $hidden_columns, $this->render_options['hide_columns'] ); $hidden_columns = array_merge( array_diff( $hidden_columns, $this->render_options['show_columns'] ) ); // Remove hidden rows and re-index. foreach ( $hidden_rows as $row_idx ) { unset( $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ] ); } $this->table['data'] = array_merge( $this->table['data'] ); // Remove hidden columns and re-index. foreach ( $this->table['data'] as $row_idx => $row ) { foreach ( $hidden_columns as $col_idx ) { unset( $row[ $col_idx ] ); } $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ] = array_merge( $row ); } /** * Filters the table after processing the table visibility information. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $table The processed table. * @param array $orig_table The unprocessed table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $this->table = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_render_data', $this->table, $orig_table, $this->render_options ); } /** * Generate the data that is to be rendered. * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function _process_render_data(): void { $orig_table = $this->table; // Deactivate nl2br() for this render process, if "convert_line_breaks" Shortcode parameter is set to false. if ( ! $this->render_options['convert_line_breaks'] ) { add_filter( 'tablepress_apply_nl2br', '__return_false', 9 ); // Priority 9, so that this filter can easily be overwritten at the default priority. } foreach ( $this->table['data'] as $row_idx => $row ) { foreach ( $row as $col_idx => $cell_content ) { // Print formulas that are escaped with '= (like in Excel) as text. if ( str_starts_with( $cell_content, "'=" ) ) { $cell_content = substr( $cell_content, 1 ); } $cell_content = $this->safe_output( $cell_content ); if ( str_contains( $cell_content, '[' ) ) { $cell_content = do_shortcode( $cell_content ); } /** * Filters the content of a single cell, after formulas have been evaluated, the output has been sanitized, and Shortcodes have been evaluated. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $cell_content The cell content. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param int $row_idx The row number of the cell. * @param int $col_idx The column number of the cell. */ $cell_content = apply_filters( 'tablepress_cell_content', $cell_content, $this->table['id'], $row_idx + 1, $col_idx + 1 ); $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ][ $col_idx ] = $cell_content; } } // Re-instate nl2br() behavior after this render process, if "convert_line_breaks" Shortcode parameter is set to false. if ( ! $this->render_options['convert_line_breaks'] ) { remove_filter( 'tablepress_apply_nl2br', '__return_false', 9 ); // Priority 9, so that this filter can easily be overwritten at the default priority. } /** * Filters the table after processing the table content handling. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param array $table The processed table. * @param array $orig_table The unprocessed table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $this->table = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_content_render_data', $this->table, $orig_table, $this->render_options ); } /** * Generate the HTML output of the table. * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected function _render_table(): void { $num_rows = count( $this->table['data'] ); $num_columns = ( $num_rows > 0 ) ? count( $this->table['data'][0] ) : 0; // Check if there are rows and columns in the table (might not be the case after removing hidden rows/columns!). if ( 0 === $num_rows || 0 === $num_columns ) { $this->output = sprintf( __( '', 'tablepress' ), $this->table['id'] ); return; } // Counters for spans of rows and columns, init to 1 for each row and column (as that means no span). $this->rowspan = array_fill( 0, $num_columns, 1 ); $this->colspan = array_fill( 0, $num_rows, 1 ); /** * Filters the trigger keywords for "colspan" and "rowspan" * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $span_trigger The trigger keywords for combining table cells. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $this->span_trigger = apply_filters( 'tablepress_span_trigger_keywords', $this->span_trigger, $this->table['id'] ); // Explode from string to array. $this->render_options['column_widths'] = ( ! empty( $this->render_options['column_widths'] ) ) ? explode( '|', $this->render_options['column_widths'] ) : array(); // Make array $this->render_options['column_widths'] have $columns entries. $this->render_options['column_widths'] = array_pad( $this->render_options['column_widths'], $num_columns, '' ); $output = ''; if ( $this->render_options['print_name'] ) { /** * Filters the HTML tag that wraps the printed table name. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $tag The HTML tag around the table name. Default h2. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $name_html_tag = apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_name_html_tag', 'h2', $this->table['id'] ); $name_attributes = array(); if ( ! empty( $this->render_options['html_id'] ) ) { $name_attributes['id'] = "{$this->render_options['html_id']}-name"; } /** * Filters the class attribute for the printed table name. * * @since 1.0.0 * @deprecated 1.13.0 Use {@see 'tablepress_table_name_tag_attributes'} instead. * * @param string $class The class attribute for the table name that can be used in CSS code. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $name_attributes['class'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'tablepress_print_name_css_class', array( "tablepress-table-name tablepress-table-name-id-{$this->table['id']}", $this->table['id'] ), 'TablePress 1.13.0', 'tablepress_table_name_tag_attributes' ); /** * Filters the attributes for the table name (HTML h2 element, by default). * * @since 1.13.0 * * @param array $name_attributes The attributes for the table name element. * @param array $table The current table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $name_attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_name_tag_attributes', $name_attributes, $this->table, $this->render_options ); $name_attributes = $this->_attributes_array_to_string( $name_attributes ); $print_name_html = "<{$name_html_tag}{$name_attributes}>" . $this->safe_output( $this->table['name'] ) . "\n"; } if ( $this->render_options['print_description'] ) { /** * Filters the HTML tag that wraps the printed table description. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $tag The HTML tag around the table description. Default span. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $description_html_tag = apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_description_html_tag', 'span', $this->table['id'] ); $description_attributes = array(); if ( ! empty( $this->render_options['html_id'] ) ) { $description_attributes['id'] = "{$this->render_options['html_id']}-description"; } /** * Filters the class attribute for the printed table description. * * @since 1.0.0 * @deprecated 1.13.0 Use {@see 'tablepress_table_description_tag_attributes'} instead. * * @param string $class The class attribute for the table description that can be used in CSS code. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $description_attributes['class'] = apply_filters_deprecated( 'tablepress_print_description_css_class', array( "tablepress-table-description tablepress-table-description-id-{$this->table['id']}", $this->table['id'] ), 'TablePress 1.13.0', 'tablepress_table_description_tag_attributes' ); /** * Filters the attributes for the table description (HTML span element, by default). * * @since 1.13.0 * * @param array $description_attributes The attributes for the table description element. * @param array $table The current table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $description_attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_description_tag_attributes', $description_attributes, $this->table, $this->render_options ); $description_attributes = $this->_attributes_array_to_string( $description_attributes ); $print_description_html = "<{$description_html_tag}{$description_attributes}>" . $this->safe_output( $this->table['description'] ) . "\n"; } if ( $this->render_options['print_name'] && 'above' === $this->render_options['print_name_position'] ) { $output .= $print_name_html; } if ( $this->render_options['print_description'] && 'above' === $this->render_options['print_description_position'] ) { $output .= $print_description_html; } $thead = ''; $tfoot = ''; $tbody = array(); $this->last_row_idx = $num_rows - 1; $this->last_column_idx = $num_columns - 1; // Loop through rows in reversed order, to search for rowspan trigger keyword. for ( $row_idx = $this->last_row_idx; $row_idx >= 0; $row_idx-- ) { // Last row, need to check for footer (but only if at least two rows). if ( $this->last_row_idx === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_foot'] && $num_rows > 1 ) { $tfoot = $this->_render_row( $row_idx, 'th' ); continue; } // First row, need to check for head (but only if at least two rows). if ( 0 === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_head'] && $num_rows > 1 ) { $thead = $this->_render_row( $row_idx, 'th' ); continue; } // Neither first nor last row (with respective head/foot enabled), so render as body row. $tbody[] = $this->_render_row( $row_idx, 'td' ); } // tag. /** * Filters the content for the HTML caption element of the table. * * If the "Edit" link for a table is shown, it is also added to the caption element. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $caption The content for the HTML caption element of the table. Default empty. * @param array $table The current table. */ $caption = apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_caption_text', '', $this->table ); $caption_style = ''; $caption_class = ''; if ( ! empty( $caption ) ) { /** * Filters the class attribute for the HTML caption element of the table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $class The class attribute for the HTML caption element of the table. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $caption_class = apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_caption_class', "tablepress-table-caption tablepress-table-caption-id-{$this->table['id']}", $this->table['id'] ); $caption_class = ' class="' . $caption_class . '"'; } if ( ! empty( $this->render_options['edit_table_url'] ) ) { if ( empty( $caption ) ) { $caption_style = ' style="caption-side:bottom;text-align:left;border:none;background:none;margin:0;padding:0;"'; } else { $caption .= '
'; } $caption .= '' . __( 'Edit', 'default' ) . ''; } if ( ! empty( $caption ) ) { $caption = "{$caption}\n"; } // tag. $colgroup = ''; /** * Filters whether the HTML colgroup tag shall be added to the table output. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param bool $print Whether the colgroup element shall be printed. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ if ( apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_colgroup_tag', false, $this->table['id'] ) ) { for ( $col_idx = 0; $col_idx < $num_columns; $col_idx++ ) { $attributes = ' class="colgroup-column-' . ( $col_idx + 1 ) . ' "'; /** * Filters the attributes of the HTML col tags in the HTML colgroup tag. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $attributes The attributes in the col element. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param int $col_idx The number of the column. */ $attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_colgroup_tag_attributes', $attributes, $this->table['id'], $col_idx + 1 ); $colgroup .= "\t\n"; } } if ( ! empty( $colgroup ) ) { $colgroup = "\n{$colgroup}\n"; } // , , and tags. if ( ! empty( $thead ) ) { $thead = "\n{$thead}\n"; } if ( ! empty( $tfoot ) ) { $tfoot = "\n{$tfoot}\n"; } $tbody_class = ( $this->render_options['row_hover'] ) ? ' class="row-hover"' : ''; // Reverse rows because we looped through the rows in reverse order. $tbody = array_reverse( $tbody ); $tbody = "\n" . implode( '', $tbody ) . "\n"; // Attributes for the table (HTML table element). $table_attributes = array(); // "id" attribute. if ( ! empty( $this->render_options['html_id'] ) ) { $table_attributes['id'] = $this->render_options['html_id']; } // "class" attribute. $css_classes = array( 'tablepress', "tablepress-id-{$this->table['id']}", $this->render_options['extra_css_classes'] ); /** * Filters the CSS classes that are given to the HTML table element. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string[] $css_classes The CSS classes for the table element. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ $css_classes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_css_classes', $css_classes, $this->table['id'] ); // $css_classes might contain several classes in one array entry. $css_classes = explode( ' ', implode( ' ', $css_classes ) ); $css_classes = array_map( array( 'TablePress', 'sanitize_css_class' ), $css_classes ); $css_classes = array_unique( $css_classes ); $css_classes = trim( implode( ' ', $css_classes ) ); if ( ! empty( $css_classes ) ) { $table_attributes['class'] = $css_classes; } // ARIA label attributes. if ( $this->render_options['print_name'] && ! empty( $this->render_options['html_id'] ) ) { $table_attributes['aria-labelledby'] = "{$this->render_options['html_id']}-name"; } if ( $this->render_options['print_description'] && ! empty( $this->render_options['html_id'] ) ) { $table_attributes['aria-describedby'] = "{$this->render_options['html_id']}-description"; } // "summary" attribute. $summary = ''; /** * Filters the content for the summary attribute of the HTML table element. * * The attribute is only added if it is not empty. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $summary The content for the summary attribute of the table. Default empty. * @param array $table The current table. */ $summary = apply_filters( 'tablepress_print_summary_attr', $summary, $this->table ); if ( ! empty( $summary ) ) { $table_attributes['summary'] = esc_attr( $summary ); } // Legacy support for attributes that are not encouraged in HTML5. foreach ( array( 'cellspacing', 'cellpadding', 'border' ) as $attribute ) { if ( false !== $this->render_options[ $attribute ] ) { $table_attributes[ $attribute ] = (int) $this->render_options[ $attribute ]; } } /** * Filters the attributes for the table (HTML table element). * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $table_attributes The attributes for the table element. * @param array $table The current table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $table_attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_tag_attributes', $table_attributes, $this->table, $this->render_options ); $table_attributes = $this->_attributes_array_to_string( $table_attributes ); $output .= "\n\n"; $output .= $caption . $colgroup . $thead . $tbody . $tfoot; $output .= "\n"; // name/description below table (HTML already generated above). if ( $this->render_options['print_name'] && 'below' === $this->render_options['print_name_position'] ) { $output .= $print_name_html; } if ( $this->render_options['print_description'] && 'below' === $this->render_options['print_description_position'] ) { $output .= $print_description_html; } /** * Filters the generated HTML code for table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $output The generated HTML for the table. * @param array $table The current table. * @param array $render_options The render options for the table. */ $this->output = apply_filters( 'tablepress_table_output', $output, $this->table, $this->render_options ); } /** * Generate the HTML of a row. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $row_idx Index of the row to be rendered. * @param string $tag HTML tag to use for the cells (td or th). * @return string HTML for the row. */ protected function _render_row( int $row_idx, string $tag ): string { $row_cells = array(); // Loop through cells in reversed order, to search for colspan or rowspan trigger words. for ( $col_idx = $this->last_column_idx; $col_idx >= 0; $col_idx-- ) { $cell_content = $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ][ $col_idx ]; if ( $this->span_trigger['rowspan'] === $cell_content ) { // There will be a rowspan. if ( ! ( ( 0 === $row_idx ) // No rowspan inside first row. || ( 1 === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_head'] ) // No rowspan into table head. || ( $this->last_row_idx === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_foot'] ) // No rowspan out of table foot. ) ) { // Increase counter for rowspan in this column. ++$this->rowspan[ $col_idx ]; // Reset counter for colspan in this row, combined col- and rowspan might be happening. $this->colspan[ $row_idx ] = 1; continue; } // Invalid rowspan, so we set cell content from #rowspan# to empty. $cell_content = ''; } elseif ( $this->span_trigger['colspan'] === $cell_content ) { // There will be a colspan. if ( ! ( ( 0 === $col_idx ) // No colspan inside first column. || ( 1 === $col_idx && $this->render_options['first_column_th'] ) // No colspan into first column head. ) ) { // Increase counter for colspan in this row. ++$this->colspan[ $row_idx ]; // Reset counter for rowspan in this column, combined col- and rowspan might be happening. $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ] = 1; continue; } // Invalid colspan, so we set cell content from #colspan# to empty. $cell_content = ''; } elseif ( $this->span_trigger['span'] === $cell_content ) { // There will be a combined col- and rowspan. if ( ! ( ( 0 === $row_idx ) // No rowspan inside first row. || ( 1 === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_head'] ) // No rowspan into table head. || ( $this->last_row_idx === $row_idx && $this->render_options['table_foot'] ) // No rowspan out of table foot. ) && ! ( ( 0 === $col_idx ) // No colspan inside first column. || ( 1 === $col_idx && $this->render_options['first_column_th'] ) // No colspan into first column head. ) ) { continue; } // Invalid span, so we set cell content from #span# to empty. $cell_content = ''; } // Attributes for the table cell (HTML td or th element). $tag_attributes = array(); // "colspan" and "rowspan" attributes. if ( $this->colspan[ $row_idx ] > 1 ) { // We have colspaned cells. $tag_attributes['colspan'] = (string) $this->colspan[ $row_idx ]; } if ( $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ] > 1 ) { // We have rowspaned cells. $tag_attributes['rowspan'] = (string) $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ]; } // "class" attribute. $cell_class = 'column-' . ( $col_idx + 1 ); /** * Filters the CSS classes that are given to a single cell (HTML td element) of a table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $cell_class The CSS classes for the cell. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param string $cell_content The cell content. * @param int $row_idx The row number of the cell. * @param int $col_idx The column number of the cell. * @param int $colspan_row The number of combined columns for this cell. * @param int $rowspan_col The number of combined rows for this cell. */ $cell_class = apply_filters( 'tablepress_cell_css_class', $cell_class, $this->table['id'], $cell_content, $row_idx + 1, $col_idx + 1, $this->colspan[ $row_idx ], $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ] ); if ( ! empty( $cell_class ) ) { $tag_attributes['class'] = $cell_class; } // "style" attribute. if ( ( 0 === $row_idx ) && ! empty( $this->render_options['column_widths'][ $col_idx ] ) ) { $tag_attributes['style'] = 'width:' . preg_replace( '#[^0-9a-z.%]#', '', $this->render_options['column_widths'][ $col_idx ] ) . ';'; } /** * Filters the attributes for the table cell (HTML td or th element). * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $tag_attributes The attributes for the td or th element. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param string $cell_content The cell content. * @param int $row_idx The row number of the cell. * @param int $col_idx The column number of the cell. * @param int $colspan_row The number of combined columns for this cell. * @param int $rowspan_col The number of combined rows for this cell. */ $tag_attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_cell_tag_attributes', $tag_attributes, $this->table['id'], $cell_content, $row_idx + 1, $col_idx + 1, $this->colspan[ $row_idx ], $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ] ); $tag_attributes = $this->_attributes_array_to_string( $tag_attributes ); if ( $this->render_options['first_column_th'] && 0 === $col_idx ) { $tag = 'th'; } $row_cells[] = "<{$tag}{$tag_attributes}>{$cell_content}"; $this->colspan[ $row_idx ] = 1; // Reset. $this->rowspan[ $col_idx ] = 1; // Reset. } // Attributes for the table row (HTML tr element). $tr_attributes = array(); // "class" attribute. $row_classes = 'row-' . ( $row_idx + 1 ); if ( $this->render_options['alternating_row_colors'] ) { $row_classes .= ( 1 === ( $row_idx % 2 ) ) ? ' even' : ' odd'; } /** * Filters the CSS classes that are given to a row (HTML tr element) of a table. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $row_classes The CSS classes for the row. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param string[] $row_cells The HTML code for the cells of the row. * @param int $row_idx The row number. * @param string[] $row_data The content of the cells of the row. */ $row_classes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_row_css_class', $row_classes, $this->table['id'], $row_cells, $row_idx + 1, $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ] ); if ( ! empty( $row_classes ) ) { $tr_attributes['class'] = $row_classes; } /** * Filters the attributes for the table row (HTML tr element). * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $tr_attributes The attributes for the tr element. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. * @param int $row_idx The row number. * @param string[] $row_data The content of the cells of the row. */ $tr_attributes = apply_filters( 'tablepress_row_tag_attributes', $tr_attributes, $this->table['id'], $row_idx + 1, $this->table['data'][ $row_idx ] ); $tr_attributes = $this->_attributes_array_to_string( $tr_attributes ); // Reverse rows because we looped through the cells in reverse order. $row_cells = array_reverse( $row_cells ); return "\n\t" . implode( '', $row_cells ) . "\n\n"; } /** * Convert an array of HTML tag attributes to a string. * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param array $attributes Attributes for the HTML tag in the array keys, and their values in the array values. * @return string The attributes as a string for usage in a HTML element. */ protected function _attributes_array_to_string( array $attributes ): string { $attributes_string = ''; foreach ( $attributes as $attribute => $value ) { $attributes_string .= " {$attribute}=\"{$value}\""; } return $attributes_string; } /** * Possibly replace certain HTML entities and replace line breaks with HTML. * * @todo Find a better solution than this function, e.g. something like wpautop(). * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $text The string to process. * @return string Processed string for output. */ protected function safe_output( string $text ): string { /* * Replace any & with & that is not already an encoded entity (from function htmlentities2 in WP 2.8). * A complete htmlentities2() or htmlspecialchars() would encode tags, which we don't want. */ $text = (string) preg_replace( '/&(?![A-Za-z]{0,4}\w{2,3};|#[0-9]{2,4};)/', '&', $text ); /** * Filters whether line breaks in the cell content shall be replaced with HTML br tags. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param bool $replace Whether to replace line breaks with HTML br tags. Default true. * @param string $table_id The current table ID. */ if ( apply_filters( 'tablepress_apply_nl2br', true, $this->table['id'] ) ) { $text = nl2br( $text ); } return $text; } /** * Get the default render options, null means: Use option from "Edit" screen. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array Default render options. */ public function get_default_render_options(): array { // Attention: Array keys have to be lowercase, otherwise they won't match the Shortcode attributes, which will be passed in lowercase by WP. return array( 'alternating_row_colors' => null, 'border' => false, 'cache_table_output' => true, 'cellpadding' => false, 'cellspacing' => false, 'column_widths' => '', 'convert_line_breaks' => true, 'datatables_custom_commands' => null, 'datatables_filter' => null, 'datatables_info' => null, 'datatables_lengthchange' => null, 'datatables_locale' => get_locale(), 'datatables_paginate' => null, 'datatables_paginate_entries' => null, 'datatables_scrollx' => null, 'datatables_scrolly' => false, 'datatables_sort' => null, 'evaluate_formulas' => true, 'extra_css_classes' => null, 'first_column_th' => false, 'hide_columns' => '', 'hide_rows' => '', 'id' => '', 'print_description' => null, 'print_description_position' => null, 'print_name' => null, 'print_name_position' => null, 'row_hover' => null, 'shortcode_debug' => false, 'show_columns' => '', 'show_rows' => '', 'table_foot' => null, 'table_head' => null, 'use_datatables' => null, ); } /** * Get the CSS code for the Preview iframe. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string CSS for the Preview iframe. */ public function get_preview_css(): string { $is_rtl = is_rtl(); $tablepress_css = TablePress::load_class( 'TablePress_CSS', 'class-css.php', 'classes' ); $default_css_minified = $tablepress_css->load_default_css_from_file( $is_rtl ); if ( false === $default_css_minified ) { $default_css_minified = ''; } else { // Change relative URLs to web font files to absolute URLs, as combining the CSS files and saving to another directory breaks the relative URLs. $absolute_path = plugins_url( 'css/build/tablepress.', TABLEPRESS__FILE__ ); // Make the absolute URL protocol-relative to prevent mixed content warnings. $absolute_path = str_replace( array( 'http:', 'https:' ), '', $absolute_path ); $default_css_minified = str_replace( 'url(tablepress.', 'url(' . $absolute_path, $default_css_minified ); } $rtl_direction = $is_rtl ? "\ndirection: rtl;" : ''; return << /* iframe */ body { margin: 10px; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;{$rtl_direction} } p { font-size: 13px; } {$default_css_minified} CSS; } } // class TablePress_Render