$data Data for this screen. * @param array
: | |
Cascading Style Sheets) can be used to change the styling or layout of a table.', 'tablepress' ), 'https://www.htmldog.com/guides/css/beginner/' ); echo ' '; printf( __( 'You can get styling examples from the FAQ.', 'tablepress' ), 'https://tablepress.org/faq/' ); echo ' '; printf( __( 'Information on available CSS selectors can be found in the Documentation.', 'tablepress' ), 'https://tablepress.org/documentation/' ); echo ' '; _e( 'Please note that invalid CSS code will be stripped, if it can not be corrected automatically.', 'tablepress' ); ?> |
$data Data for this screen. * @param array
will permanently delete all TablePress tables and options from the database.', 'tablepress' ) . '
. __( 'It is recommended that you create a backup of the tables (by exporting the tables in the JSON format), in case you later change your mind.', 'tablepress' ) . '
. __( 'You will manually need to remove the plugin’s files from the plugin folder afterwards.', 'tablepress' ) . '
. __( 'Be very careful with this and only click the button if you know what you are doing!', 'tablepress' );