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{"translation-revision-date":"2023-11-13 09:08:24+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-beta.2","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"fr"},"See the TablePress Documentation for more information.":["Consulter la documentation TablePress pour plus d\u2019informations."],"These additional parameters can be used to modify specific table features.":["Ces param\u00e8tres suppl\u00e9mentaires peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9s pour modifier des fonctionnalit\u00e9s de tableau sp\u00e9cifiques."],"Configuration parameters:":["Param\u00e8tres de configuration\u00a0:"],"Select the TablePress table that you want to embed.":["S\u00e9lectionner le tableau TablePress \u00e0 embarquer."],"There are no TablePress tables on this site yet.":["Il n\u2019y a encore aucun tableau TablePress sur ce site."],"Select the TablePress table that you want to embed in the Settings sidebar.":["S\u00e9lectionner le tableau TablePress que vous souhaitez embarquer dans la colonne lat\u00e9rale des r\u00e9glages."],"There is a problem: The TablePress table with the ID \u201c%1$s\u201d could not be found.":["Il y a un probl\u00e8me\u00a0: le tableau TablePress avec l\u2019ID \u00ab\u00a0%1$s\u00a0\u00bb est introuvable."],"TablePress table %1$s: \u201c%2$s\u201d":["Tableau TablePress %1$s\u00a0: \u00ab\u00a0%2$s\u00a0\u00bb"],"Manage your tables.":["G\u00e9rer ses tableaux."],"ID %1$s: \u201c%2$s\u201d":["ID %1$s\u00a0: \u00ab\u00a0%2$s\u00a0\u00bb"],"TablePress table":["Tableau TablePress"],"Table:":["Tableau\u00a0:"]}},"comment":{"reference":"blocks\/table\/build\/index.js"}}